DA2024/00021 - DA2024/00021 - Single House and Ancillary Works - 12 Bay View Terrace (Closed)
Posted: 19/09/2024 Closing Date: 03/10/2024 05:00 PM
The proposal is seeking to vary the town planning scheme development requirement for plot ratio, the local planning policy pertaining to crossover width and the deemed-to-comply requirement of the Residential Design Codes for Lot Boundary Setback and Siteworks and relies on the corresponding design principles being demonstrated.
Plans for the proposal are available for inspection at the Shire Administration Office, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove, Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm.
Please note that the submitted plans may be amended, or compliance with the planning framework otherwise be demonstrated by the proponent prior to determination.
Unless otherwise extended, the advertising period will close on 3 October 2024. Written submissions can be completed using the web form below, and must be lodged within the advertising period to ensure they can be considered prior to determination of the application. Objections should articulate how you may be materially affected.