Planning Applications

Prior to lodging Development Applications proponents are encouraged to speak to Development Services staff to ensure the nuances of the local planning policy framework are understood and all relevant information is submitted. Please refer to the Information Sheet - Residential Development that identifies variations to the Residential Design Codes of Western Australia and local government planning controls. 

A Deemed-to-Comply Check may also be lodged to confirm whether your development is exempt from development approval, or what deemed-to-comply requirements are being varied and rely on the corresponding design principles.

Incomplete applications may be returned, or the administrative process held up pending the submission of additional information.

Development applications are generally determined at an Ordinary Council Meeting that are scheduled monthly (except for January) on the fourth Tuesday of each month. 

Application For Development Approval

Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2009 lists the current application fees.

Planning Schedule of Fees

The committee normally meets on the second Tuesday of each month except January when there is no meeting.

All applications for Development Approval must contain the following:

1. A completed Development Application form for as detailed in the attached signed by the landowner or a party acting with written authority from the landowner. 

2. Written submission of the proposal that expands on the information contained in the Application for Approval Form and justifies why Council discretion should be applied including demonstrating how any Design Principles contained in the Residential Design Codes of WA have been met.

3A. Site Plans drawn to scale (not greater than 1:200), providing details with respect to the following (unless the Council waives any requirement):

  • Street names, lot number(s), north point and the dimensions of the site.
    • The location and proposed use of any existing building to be retained and the location and use of the building proposed to be erected on the site.
    • The existing and proposed means of access for pedestrians and vehicles to and from the site.
    • The location, number, dimensions and layout of all car parking spaces intended to be provided.
    • The location, dimensions and design of any landscaped, open storage or trade display area and particulars of the manner in which it is proposed to develop same.
  • The existing site levels and proposed site contours including datum (AHD).
  • The proposed finished floor levels.
  • Existing trees, street trees, crossovers and proposed crossovers.
  • Distances from adjoining buildings and boundaries.
  • Street elevation showing properties adjacent to the proposed development.
  • Shadowing of proposed development on adjoining properties as required by the Residential Design Codes of WA.
  • Materials of roof and external walls.

3B. Plans for Development (not greater than1:100) to include the following:

  • Floor plans elevations and sections of any building proposed to be erected or altered and of any building intended to be retained.
  • Position and height of adjoining developments.
  • Distances from other buildings and boundaries.
  • The highest portion of the roof.
  • Schedule for external colours and materials.
  • Photo montages may also be required to illustrate the context of the development in its setting.

3C. Other plans or information such as:

Structures of historical significance or interest: The Council may, in considering any application that may affect the heritage value or significance of any property within the Shire, solicit the views of the Heritage Council of WA, the National Trust of Australia (WA) and those of any other relevant bodies, and take those views into account when determining the application. Notwithstanding any existing assessment on record, Council may require a heritage assessment to be carried out prior to the approval for any development proposed. For the purpose of this policy the term “development” shall have the meaning as set out in the Planning and Development Act (as amended) but shall also include, in relation to any building, object, structure or place entered in a heritage list or contained within a heritage precinct, any act or thing that is likely to significantly change the external character of the building, object, structure of place.

Please see the detailed Development Application Checklist for further information

What happens to a development application after it is submitted?

The process through which your application goes will depend on the size, type and complexity of the proposal.

All applications will initially go to the Manager of Development Services where an assessment will be undertaken to determine whether it can be approved by under delegated authority or, if it has to be determined by Council.

What to do if you are aggrieved by a decision of the Council?

Should you be aggrieved by any part of a decision, in respect of the exercise of a discretionary power, there is a right of appeal to apply to the State Administrative Tribunal for a review of the decision in accordance with the Planning and Development Act, 2005 (as amended) and any rules or regulations made pursuant to the Act.

Such an appeal must be lodged within 28 days of the date of this decision.