Sand Drift Prevention and Sediment Control

Sediment and other building materials can enter the drainage system and contribute to the pollution of Perth’s waterways when allowed to drift from building sites.

A Construction Managment Plan is required to accompany Development Applications or Demolition Permit Applications. Local Planning Policy 8 - Construction Managment Plans provide guidance on the preparation of Construction Managment Plans. 

Best practice mitigation measures, contingencies and monitoring arrangements for managing dust and erosion controls from building sites are drawn from the Guidelines for Managing the Impacts of Dust and Associated Contaminants from Land Development Sites that were prepared by the former Department of Environmental Protection. Proponents are encouraged to complete the site classification assessment chart in these Guidelines to ascertain the risk classification of the proposed works. The risk classification will inform the required management response. When works are proposed during the dry period 1 October - 31 March the risk classification will generally increase.

Sand Drift Prevention and Sediment Control Guidelines

Guidelines for Managing the Impacts of Dust and Contaminants