
The following are requirements for submitting an application for a Demolition Permit. Note that all demolition permit applications must initially be granted approval from Council prior to the Demolition Permit being processed. 

Heritage Buildings and Structures

Development Approval is required for demolition of places included on the Shire's Heritage List or the State Heritage Register. Development Applications that seek demolition must have regard to the Shire's local planning policy for Heritage Places.

  • Photographic record of all elevations (including garden) for the building to be demolished.
  • Heritage assessments by an accredited person chosen from the Shire’s list of accredited consultants.

Other Buildings

Plumbers Notification of Completion and Compliance

Notification that the property sewer has been cut and sealed and a standpipe is on site.

Application fee

For demolition work in respect of a Class 1 or Class 10 building or incidental structure the fee is $110.00 
For demolition work in respect of a Class 2 to Class 9 building the fee is $110.00 for each storey of the building

If you intend making an application for demolition within the Shire of Peppermint Grove, you will need to use the forms below to assist in submitting your application.

Please refer to the Building Commission Website