Fire Control
Fire notices are issued annually and require owners to clear all flammable materials during the summer fire season.
Pursuant to the powers contained in Section 33 of the Bush Fires Act all owners are required before 1 November, or within fourteen days of the date of becoming an owner, to clear all flammable materials on the land.
To comply please note the following:
• Clear the entire property of all flammable material, this does not include green standing trees, growing bushes and plants in gardens, and/or lawns.
• Mow, slash or use an approved alternative method to control grass and ground cover down to 50mm over the entire area of land.
• A four-metre firebreak is not adequate.
• Burning of garden refuse is not permitted under any circumstances.
The Penalty for failing to comply with a fire notice is a penalty of up to $5,000 and to pay the cost of performing the work directed in the notice.
A copy of the Bush Fires Act 1954 - Metropolitan Fire District is available at the Shire Administration Office and the Cottesloe-Peppermint Grove-Mosman Park Library for perusal.
For more information about fire hazards, regulations and control, please contact Ranger Services on 9285 5070 or the Shire’s Administration Office on 9286 8600.